What is Newbridges ?
NewBridges is the alliance between two employee relations experts who have decided to join forces to help companies understand emerging international employee relations issues and risks and to develop solutions, anchored in social dialogue, to answer.
These actors have a unique international network in multinational companies, in international organizations (European Union, ILO, OECD, etc.), among French and international trade union organizations. They have extensive knowledge of the conditions of social dialogue in the main countries where French groups operate.
What does Newbridges offer ?
Inform company management on international issues as well as on emerging risks (legal, reputational, investor and employer brand risks) resulting from social practices in the countries where they operate, vis-à-vis their employees direct or those in their value chain.
Share the best practices of companies operating on an international scope to respond to major international social issues and their developments.
Support the management of companies on the social aspect of their transnational projects (MA, global restructuring….) And on the development of a global strategy for social dialogue.
Train the Corporate Social Relations teams, international staff representatives and directors on these international subjects.
Who are we ?
Marie-Noëlle Lopez
Marie-Noëlle Lopez, a journalist specializing in international employee relations, is the founder of Planet Labor, a daily digital newsletter, a reference publication in this field, which she headed for 15 years.
Marie-Noëlle Lopez is a well known expert in national and transnational employee relations and served as an expert for various European and international institutions (European Commission, the ILO ). She frequently advises large international groups.

Jean-Christophe Sciberras
Jean-Christophe Sciberras was, until 2021, HR Director and Director of Employee Relations for large international groups for 25 years + (Renault, Rhodia, Solvay, Axa) including several years abroad (USA, Belgium, Brazil, Argentina)
In 2018, he has been appointed Coordinator of the French platform of the Global Deal, an OECD initiative which aims to promote the international social dialogue in large corporations.